Haus der Architektur

Material Loops α

The Circular Economy – Bestand als Materialressource (Buildings as a Material Resource)

Texts by the exhibition participants

Publication accompanying the same-named exhibition at the Haus der Architektur.

The increasing awareness of the finite nature of material and energy resources in the context of the challenges of climate change poses new questions and tasks for the construction industry. Studies show that this industry alone is responsible for 40 per cent of waste, 40 per cent of primary energy resource consumption and 40 per cent of carbon emissions worldwide. The rapid growth of cities in particular is contributing to this phenomenon. According to United Nations calculations, about 55 per cent of the world’s population live in cities today. By 2050, this figure will reach around 68 per cent – there will be around 6.34 billion city dwellers. This will present enormous challenges in terms of resource consumption in the building industry, as we construct new buildings and develop new infrastructure.

The exhibition at the HDA presented studies and practical examples of architectures, conversions and system cycles that impress with their high design quality as well as their genesis from reused material resources.

Author: Texts by the exhibition participants

Edited by: Haus der Architektur, Beate Engelhorn

Publisher: Haus der Architektur

Design: Philipp Glanzner

Dimensions: 14,8 x 21 cms

Number of pages: 104

Language: German, English

Cover: Soft Cover

ISBN: 978-3-901174-89-6

First year edition: 2021


LandLeben (CountryLife)
LandLeben (CountryLife)
LandLeben (CountryLife)
LandLeben (CountryLife)

Aktuelle Strategien für das Landleben von morgen (Recent strategies for tomorrow's rural living)

Texts by the exhibition participants