If one were to imagine a course in innovative forms of care beyond traditional kinship, More-than-Human would make the perfect reader. On the cover flaps, a series of key-words presented in different fonts and weights hints at the overarching themes covered by the book: from machine to gender, from immune system to landscape, from spirits to food. Donna Haraway’s account of her connection with her canine companion through the history of DES medical treatment; Rosi Braidotti’s placenta politics as a bio-political approach to relate to the “other,” alternative to immunological rejection; Joanna Zylinska’s adaptation of Solnit’s famous book titled “Men explain things to me” to the discourse of the Anthropocene; Preciado’s insight on Sprinkle and Steven’s acts of dissent where humans were married to the Earth; Octavia Butler’s sci-fi story of a deep bond between human and non-human creatures: these are just some examples of how this collection sheds light on the interconnection and interdependency between themes that are usually treated in separate disciplines, and from very different theoretical frameworks and perspectives.

— Chiara Dorbolò, Curator of the Architecture Book Fair 2021

Author: Stacy Alaimo, Ramon Amaro, Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti, Octavia Butler, Georges Canguilhem, Marisol de la Cadena, NASA History Department, Silvia Federici, Scott F. Gilbert, Édouard Glissant, Jack Halberstam, Donna Haraway, Myra J. Hird, Kristina Lyons, Patricia MacCormack, John T. Maher, Michael Marder, Timothy Mitchell, Reza Negarastani, Jussi Parikka, Elizabeth Povinelli, Paul B. Preciado, María Puig de la Bellacasa, Filipa Ramos, Isabelle Stengers, Elly R. Truitt, Anna L. Tsing, Eduardo Vivieros de Castro, Jason Wallin, Kathryn Yusoff and Joanna Zylinska

Edited by: Andrés Jaque, Marina Otero Verzier, Lucia Pietroiusti

Publisher: General Ecology project, Serpentine, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Manifesta Foundation, Office for Political Innovation

Design: Adriaan Mellegers, Vanessa van Dam

Dimensions: 17 x 24 cms

Number of pages: 500

Language: English

Cover: Soft Cover w/ Jacket

ISBN: 9789083015293

First year edition: 2020


A Section of Now
A Section of Now

Social Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention

With contributions from Andrea Bellavita, Tei Carpenter, Mario Gooden, Melissa Harris, Helen Hester, Sam Jacob, Andrés Jacque, Joanne McNeil, Ann Neumann, Nina Power, Anna Puigjaner, Karla Rothstein, Hilary Sample, Jen Schradie, SO-IL, Traumnovelle, and Sumayya Vally

The Funambulist: Health Struggles
Health Struggles
Health Struggles
Health Struggles

Léopold Lambert; Alex Shams; Christina Yi; Zahra Ali; Merve Bedir; Blanca Pujals; Lori Brown; Banu Bargu; Che Gossett; Noémie Aulombard