Ediciones ARQ

Stereografía Tattara/Zenghelis

Martino Tattara, Elia Zenghelis

Stereograph, the latest series of Ediciones ARQ, is a monograph in two voices. Martino Tattara and Elia Zenghelis have profusely collaborated throughout their careers. This book presents two interviews (one with each of them) conducted by Alejandra Celedón and Felipe de Ferrari, in addition to their joint project for the central park of Prato, Italy. The book shows the perspectives of two generations on European architects working together.

Author: Martino Tattara, Elia Zenghelis

Publisher: Ediciones ARQ

Cover: Casebound


Kenzo Tange
Kenzo Tange
Kenzo Tange
Kenzo Tange

Gli anni della rivoluzione formale 1940/1970 (The years of the formal revolution 1940/1970)

Giusi Ciotoli, Marco Falsetti