
Ciudad (in)sostenible

Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil, Phineas Harper, Alejandro Hernández Gálvez, Koldo Lus Arana, Jason W. Moore, César Reyes Nájera, Jorge Otero- Pailos, McKenzie Wark, Anatxu Zabalbescoa, Luis Zambrano, Ana María Durán Calisto

This set of texts, which is published in parallel to the number 91 of the magazine Arquine and the 7th edition of MEXTRÓPOLI, Festival of Architecture and City, addresses the problem of the climate crisis, some of its causes and its effects and different ways we can address it. The territory and the city, the atmosphere and its preservation, the architecture versus the construction, are some of the topics that these nine essays written from different disciplines and geographies deal with.

Author: Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil, Phineas Harper, Alejandro Hernández Gálvez, Koldo Lus Arana, Jason W. Moore, César Reyes Nájera, Jorge Otero- Pailos, McKenzie Wark, Anatxu Zabalbescoa, Luis Zambrano, Ana María Durán Calisto

Edited by: Alejandro Hernandez Galvez

Publisher: Arquine

Design: Alejandro Hernandez Galvez

Dimensions: 14 x 21 cms

Number of pages: 104

Language: Spanish

Cover: Soft Cover

ISBN: 978-607-9489-68-7

First year edition: 2020


Mad World Pictures
Mad World Pictures

NESS. On Architecture, Life and Urban Culture, Issue 2

Florencia Rodriguez, Pablo Gerson, Bruno Latour, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jesse LeCavalier, Adriana Amante, Alexandra Arènes, Agustin Schang, Laura González Fierro, Maria Jerez, Cristina Goberna Pesudo and others

Kenzo Tange
Kenzo Tange
Kenzo Tange
Kenzo Tange

Gli anni della rivoluzione formale 1940/1970 (The years of the formal revolution 1940/1970)

Giusi Ciotoli, Marco Falsetti